Awesome work, 1/2B! |
Our spelling Word of the Week was "tree". We read the gorgeous picture book, "Tree" by Danny Parker and Matt Ottley. We then decided to use our observational skills to make these tree drawings.
Lesson Materials (per student):
1 piece charcoal
1 sheet trimmed A4 art paper
Lesson Steps:
1. We looked at images of charcoal tree drawings on Google Images as well as the real trees outside our classroom window and discussed the anatomy of trees- how they start thicker at the base of the trunk and branches and become thinner, how the branches go from thick to thinner braches and from those into twigs.
2. I demonstrated how to use the charcoal and show shadow and light (pointing to particular trees outside to see the shadow and light in "real life".
3. The children went outside and each found a tree that inspired them.
4. They sketched the tree/s straight onto their paper using their charcoal.
Student Artworks: