Friday, 29 June 2012

Colourful Dog Drawings

By Dora (Year 2)
 Lesson Background:
Last week my class made some beautiful cat drawings:
As one of many dog lovers in the class, I felt we should "even the score" by doing some dog drawings this week! While searching the Internet some time last year I had found the delightful dog artworks of New York artist, Linda Cheng ( and had stored them away for a future art lesson idea.  This is what I used for inspiration for these artworks this week...

Lesson Materials:
1-3 sheet A4 art paper per child
coloured progresso pencils
coloured backing paper
1 lead pencil per child
images of Linda Cheng's dog artworks

Lesson Steps:
1.  We looked at the life and art of Linda Cheng.  We discussed her style and how and why she uses dogs as subjects in her artworks.
2.  I demonstrated how to draw the basic outline of 3 of Linda Cheng's dogs in a step-by-step manner, with the children following along to create their own 3 dog drawings.  They were encouraged to change the drawings a little to make the dog their own.
3.  I showed the students how to press firmly and colour properly in order to get thick, vibrant, neat colouring with the progresso pencils.
4.  The students chose their best 1 or 2 dog drawings and coloured them with the progresso pencils.
5.  The artworks were then outlined with black permanent marker to make them stand out.
6.  The artworks were backed onto coloured backing paper.

Artwork Samples:

By Dhiren (Year 2)

By Jeff (Year 1)
By Eve (Year 1)
By Paige (Year 1)
By Jackson (Year 2)
By Marlo (Year 2)
By Eloise (Year 2)
By Charlie (Year 2)
By Sebaga (Year 2)
some of 1/2B's dog artworks
1/2B artworks


  1. Wonderful dogs! We must be on the same page - my class is working on some colorful dogs inspired by folk artist Heather Galler.

    1. Well, you know wat they say about great minds... ;) Looking forward to seeing your dogs!

  2. they're just so so so so so cute!i hope i see dogs like this at the gold coast!i also hope i adopt a dog like
    one of these.

    p.s everyone in 1/2B is so talented

  3. its a puppy party!

    1. a puppy party really Gabe?

    2. good one sebbie.good art everyone!

  4. Anyway,gabe is right EVERYONE in 1/2B IS ssssssoooooooo talented.I llloooovvveeee all of your artworks And I do mean it because i got to see all of them because while we were still doing them i snuck and by snuck I mean walked around every table looking at the BEAUTIFUL artwors you've all done.Good work everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. why did you have such long words?

    2. the puppy party is ssssssoooooooo cute and adorable just like the kittens in the pet shop. They all sleep on one that's lying sideways a its like a kitty pillow...

  5. i was supposed to write artworks not artwors.

  6. Wow! I just love the cats and dogs!

    1. Thanks Tina- my class loved doing them too!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you- my class worked very hard on them and I think they were all really happy with what they achieved.
