Wednesday 19 July 2017

Charlotte's Web Oil Pastel Piglets

LEFT: By Leon (Grade 2)                                             RIGHT: By Alex S. (Grade 2)

Lesson Background:  This term, we are learning to write narratives.  We are reading "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White as a means of exploring effective narrative writing structures, tricks and techniques.

Lesson Materials (per student):
1 sheet A4 black cardboard
1 lead pencil
coloured oil pastels (pink, red, white, black, greens, blues)

Lesson Steps:
1.  We looked at some pictures of piglets and read the opening chapter to "Charlotte's Web".
2.  Mrs Baker showed us step-by-step how to go about drawing, colouring, then outlining our pictures, focusing on spacing (e.g. this is half way down the page, and 3 finger-spaces wide), and adding different shades to make our pictures more realistic.

Grade 2 Artworks:

By Clara

By Harris

By Mayar

By Isidore

By Jordan

By Sari

By Olivia

By Louis
By John

By Cole

Aboriginal Dingo Art

By Emily (Grade 2)

We read the classic Aussie picture book, "Wombat Stew" at the end of last term, and wrote our own procedure for a bush recipe.  To follow on from this, our school's amazing arts teacher, Ms Reeve, created these beautiful Indigenous-inspired artworks with my class... aren't they stunning?!

Some more Grade 2 artworks: