Monday 20 April 2020

Sandra Silbersweig portraits - Senior Primary

Lesson Background:

This year I get to spend one lovely morning per week doing art with the senior IEC (Introductory English Centre).  We started the year with these portraits based on some that I did a number of years ago with a Grade 1/2 class:

Lesson Materials:

A4 sheets of white art paper
Oil pastels
Lead pencils

Lesson Steps:
1)  We discussed Sandra Silberzweig's use of line, shape, colour and pattern.  Being an introductory English Centre class, we focused on names for basic colours and shapes.
2)  The students were given a trimmed A3 sheet of art paper and went back to their desks.  I then did a step-by-step guided drawing session, demonstrating how they could draw a Silberzweig-style face.  We drew two differently positioned faces on either side of our art paper (one portrait facing straight forwards and one leaning to the side).  As I modelled for the children, I tried to teach them drawing and spatial reasoning skills, such as asking them how far down the page the side of the face started, how far down the page it went, etc.
3)  The students chose their favourite/best drawing from the two we had created.
4)  I demonstrated how to press firmly with the oil pastels to achieve thick and vibrant colours.  
5)  The students then went back to their desks and coloured their faces.  Upon completion, they outlined all shapes and lines in their portrait with black oil pastel.

Here are some samples from students whose parents have given me permission to share:

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