Monday 18 April 2011

Coloured Chameleons

Year 3 drawing, 2010
The Lesson:

I designed this art activity for a unit of work the Year 3/4 students were doing about animal and plant adaptations.  My class had been doing an animal study on chameleons and had been learning about how they can change colours not only to camouflage into their environment, but also to reflect their mood and temperature.

Lesson Steps:

1.  We first looked at many images and videos of chameleons.  We found a YouTube video that showed a chameleon changing colour and discussed the different reasons for these colour changes.  We also looked at the wide range of colours and patterns chameleons could display.
2.  We read and looked at 2 picture books about chameleons:  "The Mixed up Chameleon" by Eric Carle and "Chameleons are Cool" by Martin Jenkins.
3.  We also looked at photos of the different plants that would be in the environment of a rainforest chameleon.  I had also created a PowerPoint presentation filled with photos of chameleons and plants of differing colours to assist the students with ideas for their drawings.
4.  Using the images from my PowerPoint presentation, as well as clipart images and drawings of chameleons I had placed on each table group, the students drew their chameleons and plants onto white A4 art paper.  I encouraged them to have a range of shapes, sizes and styles of plants in the background.
5.  For students who struggled to draw their own chameleon, I allowed them to trace the head of the chameleon off one of the pictures provided on their desks.  From that point, they were then encouraged to complete the rest of the chameleon's body themselves.  This allowed all students to create a successful chameleon drawing.
6.  After the drawings were completed, I handed out coloured progressos and the students coloured in their drawings.  I explained the importance of pressing firmly with the progressos and ensuring there were no gaps or "messy bits" in their colouring.
7.  When their pictures were fully coloured, I asked them to outline each part of their drawing with a black progresso.

Year 3 Chameleon Drawings:

Year 3 student, 2010

By Ella, 2010

3B Chameleon Drawings, 2010

By Mathew, 2010

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